Agency Over Actus Reus: Protect Oak Flat

Agency Over Actus Reus: Protect Oak Flat

HSP has partnered with BJC in their National effort to save Oak Flat. Chí’chil Biłdagoteel loosely translated to “Oak Flat” in English is a part of the ancestral homelands of the Apache, Yavapai, Hopi, Zuni, and many other Nations in the Southwest. Qualified as a Traditional Cultural Property it was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 2016. It is a site of religious and cultural ceremonies, a burial ground, and a sacred space for tribal members to source medicinal plants, food, and water. The Apache People see the land as sacred and alive and have been caring for and communing with Chí’chil Biłdagoteel for centuries.

The Opportunity is in the Problem

The Opportunity is in the Problem

HSP is a network of social workers, scholars, faith-based community members, and Indigenous change-makers partnering to solve critical social and ecological problems. We utilize the methodologies of Participatory Action Research (PAR) " to bring together action and reflection, theory and practice, in participation with others, in the pursuit of practical solutions to issues of pressing concern to people" (Reason & Bradbury, 2001). PAR utilizes a spiral of steps, each composed of a circle of planning, action, and reflection about the results of an action.

The Roots of Conflict Between Santa Catarina Ixthueacan and Nahualá

The Roots of Conflict Between Santa Catarina Ixthueacan and Nahualá

The typically quiet and isolated region of Santa Catarina Ixthueacan and Nahualá has found its way into international newspapers over the last month. An explosion of violence includes the December massacre of thirteen people, including four children between the ages of 5 and 16, from Santa Catarina that were visiting the village of Chiquix in Nahualá to harvest corn. The latest episodes of civil unrest have roots in centuries past that are aggravated by the inequalities of colonialism, migration, international drug trafficking, and the pandemic.